Eligibility Criteria for Getting an Emotional Support Letter

The ESA provides support and encouragement for the mentally disabled person and can help alleviate daily emotional challenges. Dogs are most often used for emotional support, but cats and miniature horses can also assist.

An individual needs to be certified as mentally challenged by a licensed psychologist or a mental professional expert. This credential should be officially and accurately presented as a certificate recognized as an emotional support animal letter.

A mentally disabled person prescribed for health care or medicines is eligible for getting an emotional support letter that allows a person to live with an emotionally supportive animal briefly in constrained pet housing. It also helps you to travel with your ESA on commercial airlines without paying any additional fees. 

Apart from that, there are also some federal laws that allow the individual to take these animals to their workplaces and educational institutions. However, any violation of the laws will lead to some serious legal proceedings. 

Furthermore, if you have received your ESA letter online, you can also verify the letter by checking the online ESA Letter Sample . 

Apart from that, the emotional support animal is provided to the users as long as they need it. Therefore, these animals need to be well behaved in providing necessary benefits to the mentally or emotionally disabled person. 

Disorders that qualifies you as an ESA Owner

There is a list of disorders that helps an individual to qualify as an ESA owner.

  • Panic Attacks
  • Suicidal Attacks
  • Bipolar disorders
  • Learning problems
  • Sexual disorders
  • Psychological issues
  • Addiction to drugs
  • Drug addiction
  • Insomnia disorder

There is still no evidence of the long-term effects of animal care in enhancing the mental health of a patient, but it has proved to be helpful in the current treatment program.